The Pandemic

Its been 4 months, i work as a volunteer doctor for covid-19 in Pertamina Center Hospital, South Jakarta. Pertamina Center Hospital builds an extension hospital called Extension Modular Simprug Hospital which is located in Simprug. Modular hospital was built only for covid-19 patients.

In this pandemic situation, many doctors think that work in a hospital that only treat covid-19 patients was safer than the general hospital. It is because covid-19 hospital has more personal protective equipments for their health workers or not-health workers that work in a hospital. I particularly agree with that statement. But, in fact, many of doctors, nurses, pharmacist and other health workers that work in my hospital suffer from covid-19. I don't really know what the causes, but maybe because tiredness, contact with other infected workers, or problem with personal hygiene. 

The manifestations of covid-19 can be very critical until asymptomatic. Its very terrify looking at a family losing their loves one or couldn't meet their families for a couple time because they must be isolated. Some patients told me that they have obeyed with the health protocols, but another families which living in the same house was disobedient. It concludes that covid-19 is a community disease. We must have the same commitment to against this pandemic. Until now, the experts still have difference opinion about when this pandemic can disappear from this earth. 

Well, we have to start it from ourselves first, to always obey with the health protocols. I think if everybody have the same mission, we can beat this pandemic together. I hope, soon we can meet each other without wearing a mask.

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